
Understanding Different Types Of Tube Feeding In 2023 : Patient Care

Tube feeding types

What can consume liquid food in many different ways?

  • Enteral nutrition is when you consume food directly absorbed into your large bowel or stomach.
  • Nutritional support for children when you take food now in the vein (PN)
  • Food that is directly absorbed into the stomach or in the small bowel
  • A feed delivered through an incision into your smaller bowel or stomach (intestine) is known as enteral nutrition.

Enteral nutrition

Enteral nutrition is a particular type of liquid feed. Who can find a variety of mixtures (formulas)? Your dietitian can choose the one that is most suitable for you. It is based on your specific nutritional requirements.

You may need to take all your food and beverages in this manner. It is also possible to consume some food items regularly and finish the remainder as a liquid via the tube.

Enteral feeding is just for those whose stomach and intestines function as expected. It is because the food continues to follow the normal digestion process.

It is not possible to have an enteral feed when you have:

  • A bowel obstruction
  • severe diarrhea or sickness

It is possible to require an enteral feed in the following situations:

If you are experiencing swallowing issues, there is a possibility that it can absorb fluids and food in the wrong direction.

Side effects:

  • The feeds are highly concentrated. They can cause diarrheas and bloat. You may need to take your food intake at a lower rate in the event of this. It is typical to start slow and increase the quantity slowly. Your dietitian may also alter the type of food you're taking.
  • You might require extra fluids by drips to avoid dehydration if you suffer from diarrheas.

Different kinds of tubes

There are a variety of tubes utilised for feeding into the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Nasogastric tubes
  • Nasojejunal tube (NJT)
  • Jejunostomy tubes (JEJ PEJ, RIJ, or JEJ tubes)
  • Radiologically inserted gastrostomy tubes (RIG)
  • Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes (PEG tubes)
  • Find out more about the benefits of having an endoscopy.
  • Food being absorbed directly into the vein
  • Parenteral Nutrition (PN) is when you receive a supply to your bloodstream via an injection into a vein.

Parenteral nutrition

In the case of parenteral nutrition (PN), the food items do not pass through the typical digestive process. You can get PN via central lines or a PICC line.

A PICC line runs through the blood vessel inside your arm and connects to the chest vein. Other kinds of central lines attach to the chest, and also a critical blood vessel as shown in this diagram:

  • If it isn't being used, an insulating cap is placed on the central line. If you are feeding in place, a nurse takes off the lid and then connects it to your drip that contains the PN.
  • After all, the feed is gone. The nurse can then flush the line. It is done using either the sterile salt solution or an anti-clotting solution. The nurse seals the line a second time.
  • The line is usually placed under general or local anaesthetic. A licensed nurse or medical professional will carry out the operation. There are some risks for complications.
  •  Sometimes, tubes are blocked or infected and must be removed and replaced.

If you're going to need it

You will only require PN feeding if your gut isn't working. For instance, if:

  • are suffering from severe illness
  • Have severe issues with your stomach or your small intestinal (intestine) or have had them removed
  • suffer from severe nutritional problems before surgery, and they aren't eligible for enteral nutrition.
  • There is an opening (fistula) in your stomach or your esophagus
  • They are losing weight or are not doing well with their enteral nutrition
  • About feeds for PN
  • The feeds for PN are highly complicated. They are meticulously formulated in a sterile area each day by pharmacists.

Dietitians and doctors inform pharmacists about your home care nursing daily about your nutritional requirements. They'll check your blood regularly as you receive the PN. It is essential to take good treatment and conduct regular blood tests to ensure your blood levels are normal. These include the levels of sugar, minerals, salts, and other elements.

PN can cause adverse consequences. This includes elevated blood sugar levels, which could alter liver function.

The doctor gradually decreases the PN feeds you receive when it's time to end them.

Home tube feeding

You may require high-quality medical care with these feeding methods following your discharge from the hospital. It can be a bit scary initially, but most people are familiar with it. Don't think about it. You'll receive assistance from services for patients.

The nurses will teach you and your career how to handle the feeds before leaving the hospital. Most patients have regular visits from a district nurse who provides individual patient care. They continue for as long as you require them. Your nurses will provide you with a phone number of who to call in case you need help with nursing home services.

Additionally, you will have regular follow-up appointments with your doctor to see how you're doing.

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